
Native of Brescia, and Piedmontese because of his work and passion. Year of birth 1983. Thanks to his grandmother – the chef of the house- he understood as a child, already, that food would be present throughout his life. While dreaming to become a cook he attended important restaurants. However, life brought him in Piedmont, where he studied Gastronomic Sciences. Here he got in touch with Slow Food. Craft beers suddenly steeped into his life in 2008: love at first sight. Today he is editor of the Guida alle Birre d’Italia (Guide to Italian Beers), and the Guide Osterie d’Italia by Slow Food Editore. Since 2014, he is responsible for Slow Food Planet, the new application of Slow Food that highlights interesting places where to eat and shop, worldwide. He is the author of Il piacere della Birra (Slow Food Editore, 2017). He collaborates with "La Repubblica" italian newspaper, for which he is author of the column Il boccale, with the magazine Cook.inc and with the Turkish web-magazine Gasterea (www.gastereamag.com).